So it is March and having had some really fantastic In Session Live evenings the pressure is really on to make sure our last month matches up.
I think I have enjoyed all the evenings we've put on and since I've been booking the acts I do feel more pressure that a good evening is had by all but also more pleasure when it goes really well.
You also may have noticed a few special evenings which we and I have harped on about for ages after which included:
The 18th of Nov An evening Curated by Steve 'Papa' Edwards.
The 16th of Dec- UNICEF Fundraiser In Session Live
The 20th of Jan: Vince Freeman, The Folk Remedy, Screaming Maldini
The 27th of Jan with the 48ks
The 17th of Feb with In Session Live favourites, The Van Susans
Well last week is going to have to be added to the list and that is thanks to an awesome mix of Dimond Ranks, Brad Dear and The Natterjacks.

Without any doubt the headliners, The Natterjacks were kings for the evening. Both the other bands loved them too. The whole of the Forum was totally into them clapping along and even dancing at the end which is, until then, unheard of at In Session Live.
Dimond Ranks were first on.
I adore this band and their catchy upbeat tunes. Sinead, the lead singer has the voice of an Angel: sexy, strong and tuneful. I love their Eccy road ballad and I'd recommend them to anyone who hasn't had the chance to see them live. They are also lovely.

On this occasion I wasn't responsible for booking our middle band, Brad Dear and i'd not heard of them.
It was Sam, the boss who knew about them. They came all the way from Nottingham and were punctual giving a great performance. However, I feel they were kind of eclipsed but the other two bands, just slightly, on this eve.
Because of this I'd like to see them again so I can really take in their music.

Ok, our icing on the cake with cherry and sprinkles this evening were The Natterjacks all the way from Chester.
My god we LOVE THEM. Everyone loved them.
They have music in their souls and I need to post you a link to them playing so you can have a listen and maybe get an idea how our evening felt:
This night was a top evening loved by us and the bands that came too. Win Win and here's to more wins as we see out In Session live in the month of March.
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