I missed a blog!....yesterday's pre In Session Live blog to be precise and now I feel all discombobulated having to write about the week that proceeds last night when last night is so very fresh and awesome in my mind!
If last week's In Session Live hadn't been a particularly good one I wouldn't put myself through this but I feel you guys need to know how it went so here we go.
For the night of the 10th of Feb 2013 the acts were as follows:
Andy Stewart - http://www.myspace.com/myscreamingbrain
Emily Stancer - http://www.myspace.com/theemilystancerband
Adam Pond - http://adampond.com
Firstly there were no photography disasters this eve :) Two acts stood upright and one act sat to play which gave me some good variety for the photos.
Andy Stewart was my wildcard this eve.
Take a peek at his bio and you'll see why:
How to describe our first In Session Live artist ANDY STEWART? Maybe as: 'A reckless series of cautionary tales accompanied by a ukulele driven at speeds of up to 100 miles an hour. Bring your own seatbelt'? Well our favourite way is 'Unmissable': 8pm, The Forum Sunday..... and if you can't wait try and bit of this:

Stewart needs a receptive audience as he likes to joke with the crowd amidst performing his songs which he does to the timeless tones of the Ukulele It was the second time I've seen him perform and he did not disappoint.
Emily Stancer was our beautiful musical angel that eve.
She has a very lovely tone to her voice and there is nothing so sexy as a girl who can sing and play the guitar well. I just loved having a luminous, good looking lady to photograph to break up the beardy man photos from the evening.

Finally, Adam Pond was our headliner. If you don't know Adam and you're from Yorkshire or Manchester then I'm shocked! This is Adam:
For our headline act this evening we are extremely lucky to have Adam Pond. Described as one to watch in 2013, Adam reached the semi final of Open Mic UK and won best original song.
He has been regularly championed by BBC Radio Sheffield Introducing &
he'll be performing his latest EP 'She Likes Birds' tonight. Come and say hi- 8pm this evening the forum.
A poor Adam turned up full of cold yet like a total pro he was lovely to everyone and just got on with his job. It was the first time I'd heard him play live and I was very impressed. What a stunning voice, stage presence and what emotion!
You need to go and see this guy if you've not already.

I was extremely pleased with the outcome of the evening as everyone seemed to really love the acts and more importantly my photos. Adam has even asked for the high res files to put a little album together, as has Emily :)
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